The vegetation restoration status of typical forests after the treatment for 30 years was studied with the forest land in the small watershed of Tangbei river under 3 typical water and soil conservation measures in Southern Jiangxi Province, mid-May 2016. The investigation mainly bases on the composition of the arbor, shrub and herbage, calculation and statistical analysis of biodiversity index. The findings indicated that 3 different water conservation measures had a significant impact on the vegetation coverage. Compared with the forest only using B measures, the plant community of the forest using PPB measures developed rapidly, and had much more abundant species. All the above results showed that only using ′ban′ measure had no significant change on vegetation restoration, while either plant or engineering measures with ′ban′ measure could accelerate vegetation restoration; Among them, the comprehensive measures of ′the level of bamboo ditch′ and trees, shrubs, herbaceous planting had the fastest speed of vegetation restoration in soil erosion area.