Optimization in Solidstate Fermentation of Metarhizium anisopliae MaZPTR01
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, took Metarhizium anisopliae MaZPTR01 as the fermentation strain, optimum solid state fermentation medium, water content and wateradding order were screened, the different thickness of medium for sporulation was determined, meanwhile the temperature dynamic of the medium during the fermentation process was monitored. The results showed that composition and proportion of different medium had a significant effect on conidial production of Metarhizium anisopliae MaZPTR01. The proportion of optimized medium in solidstate fermentation was A1B3C1D3, that was composed of corn flour (1 portion, volume ratio, the same below), wheat bran (3 portions), rice flour (1 portion), and rice hull (3 portions). The conidial production in the treatment which the medium was sterilized after adding water was higher than the treatment which the medium was sterilized before adding water. The medium of 500g solid medium mixed with 400g water had the ideal physical state and the highest conidial production after sterilization. 5cmthickness solid medium has the best culture efficiency. Based on the temperature variation curve during the fermentation, 0-24h was the lag phase, 24-48h was the logarithmic phase and 48-96h was stationary phase followed by decline phase (sporulation phase).