李芝喜. 西双版纳多级遥感清查森林资源[J]. 西南林业大学学报, 1987, 7(1): 100-101. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1987.01.014
引用本文: 李芝喜. 西双版纳多级遥感清查森林资源[J]. 西南林业大学学报, 1987, 7(1): 100-101. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1987.01.014
FOREST RESOURCES INVENTORY WITH MULTISTAGE REMOTE SENSING IN XISHUANG BANA[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 1987, 7(1): 100-101. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1987.01.014
Citation: FOREST RESOURCES INVENTORY WITH MULTISTAGE REMOTE SENSING IN XISHUANG BANA[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 1987, 7(1): 100-101. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1987.01.014



  • 摘要: 我们试验研究了利用多级遥感图象信息通过多阶不等概抽样在云南省西双版纳自治州进行森林资源清查。试验所用遥感图象有陆地卫星图象和小比例尺及大比例尺航空象片。抽样设计采用概率与单元的大小成比例的抽样。试验包括下列几个主要组成部份。1利用陆地卫星图象进行一阶单元有林地面积成数预估值的判读。2随机不等概抽取一阶样本单元。3利用航空象片进行二阶单元森林蓄积量预估值的判读。4随机不等概抽取二阶样本单元。5三阶样本单元的抽取。6地面样地测定。7总体森林蓄积量估测。按照统计模式:???式中V-待估测的总体森林蓄积量。Vijk-第三阶样本单元蓄积量测定值。Pi-第i个一阶样本单元的抽取概率。Pij-第i个一阶样本单元内抽取第j个二阶样本单元的条件概率。Pijk-在己抽取的第i个一阶样本内第j个二阶样本单元中抽取第k个三阶样本单元的条件概率。nmitij -分别为第一阶、第二阶、第三阶的样本大小。计算结果,西双版纳州有森林蓄积量70,751,400立方米,当可靠性为85%时,取得81%的精度。试验表明,多级遥感在边远林区是一种高效率的森林资源调查方法。这种方法的优越性在于航空遥感信息与航天遥感信息相结合,遥感技术与抽样方法相结合。因此它充分地发挥了遥忠信息的潜在能力,在大面积的森林资源清查以至动态监测中具有广泛的发展前景。


    Abstract: In this paper we have studied testing the use image information of the multi-stage remote sensing, by sampling of the multistage unequal probability (sampling with probability proportional to size), to do the forest resources inventory, in Xishuang Bana, Yunnan. As to main procedures, there are a few programs as follows:1. Using the LANDSAT image to interpret preliminary datum of percentage of forest land on primary stage unit. 2. Random unequal probability extraction for the sample unit of primary stage. 3. Using the aerophotographs to interpret preliminary datum of percentage of forest volume on secondary stage unit. 4. Random unequal probability extraction of sample unit of secondary stage. 5. Extraction of the sample unit of third stage. 6. Measuring the ground plot. 7. Estimating the population forest volume. The advantages of this method lie in the fact that the aeronautical and spacial remote sensing information is combined together, and so are the remote sensing and sampling. Thus, it fully develops the potential abilities of remote sensing information. By this experiment, the result of calculation of the forest resources in Xishuang Bana Prefecture of Yunnan Province of China is 70, 751, 400 m3, while reliability is 85%(t=1.44), estimated accuracy is 81%. It is verified that this method is efficient in the forest resources inventory of large areas. Besides, to monitor the change of the forest resources, it is also a worthwhile technical method to recommend.


