平正明, 徐月莉, 徐春贵, 龚才. 贵州和广西的等翅目11新种[J]. 西南林业大学学报, 1988, 8(1): 88-106. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1988.01.016
引用本文: 平正明, 徐月莉, 徐春贵, 龚才. 贵州和广西的等翅目11新种[J]. 西南林业大学学报, 1988, 8(1): 88-106. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1988.01.016
Ping Zhengming, Xu Yueli, Xu Chungui, Gong. Cai. ELEVEN NEW SPECIES OF THE TERMITES FROM GUIZHOU AND GUANGXI, CHINA(ISOPTERA:TERMITIDAE)[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 1988, 8(1): 88-106. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1988.01.016
Citation: Ping Zhengming, Xu Yueli, Xu Chungui, Gong. Cai. ELEVEN NEW SPECIES OF THE TERMITES FROM GUIZHOU AND GUANGXI, CHINA(ISOPTERA:TERMITIDAE)[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 1988, 8(1): 88-106. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1988.01.016



  • 摘要: 本文报道了贵川和广西的等翅目11新种,其中扭螱1种,土螱2种,象螱7种,钝颚螱1种。


    Abstract: 1.Pericuprilermes planiusculus Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species resembles that of P. jangtsekiangensis(Kemner) in the mandibles. It differs as follows:1). width of head 1.40-1.48,(vs. 1.20-1.26); 2). length of tibia 1.22-1.26,(vs.1.02-1.04). The soldier resembles that of P. gutianensis Li et Ma in the body size. It differs as follows:1. head seen in profile dorsal margin almost planc,(vs. rather convex); 2. height of head including postmentum 1.19-1.22, less than half of head capsule-length,(vs. 1.26-1.33, more than half of head capsulelength):3. anterior margin of pronotum with a deeper median notch,(vs. without). Type locality:Cougjiang Xiang, GZ Prov,(25°7'N, 108°9'E). Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type-series(I. No. E 6681) collocted by Xu Chungui et al. June 9, 1982 in stump. 2. Odontotermes quinquedentatus Ping et Xu sp. n. The soldier of this. new species has a minute tooth of the left mandible placed below the middle. It can be easily distinguished from O. formosauns(Shiraki) and O. zunyiensis Li et Ping. Type locality:XingTi Xian, GZ. Prov.(25°1'N, 104°8'E) Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type-series(I. No. E 7759) collected by He Shaochang Aug. 30, 1985 in Soil. 3. Odontoiermes guizhouensis Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species is similar to O. zunyiensis Li et Ping, but can be differentiated as follows:1). head-casul broad oval-like;(vs. trapezoidlike); 2). width of left mandible in the middle less than two times of the width in level of the tooth(vs. more than). 3). length of postmentum is 1.6-1.7 times more than maximum width of postmentum,(vs. 1.7-2.0 times). 4). lateral sides of postmentum parallel,(vs. lateral sides dilated. Type locality:Panxian Tequ, GZ Prov.(25°8'N, 104°6'E) Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type-series(I. No. E 6713) collected by-Guizhou Institute of Forestry in stump of Quercus acutissima. 4. Nasutitermes guizhouensis Ping et. Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species is slightly similar to N. parvonasutus.(Shirak), but it diffefs as follows:1). large species,(vs. smaller species); 2). dorsal profile olightly depressed at the base of nasus,(vs. nearly straight). Type locality:Danzhai Xian, GZ Prov.(26°02'N, 107°7'E) Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type-series(I, No. E 5756) coilected by Xu Chungui et al. Apr. 26, 1979 in stump. 5. Nasutitermes platycephalus Ping et Xu, sp. n. The major soldier of this new species is similar to the major soldier of N. erectinasus Tsai et Chen, but it differs as follows:1). nasus not raised,(VS. raised); 2). nasus-length 1.09-1.14,(vs. 0.84-0.88); 3). length of hind tibia 1.58-1.73,(vs. 1.97-1.99). The minor soldier of this new species is similar to N. grandinasus Tsai et Chen, but it differs as follows:1). headcapsule Oblate,(vs. round); 2). nasus as long As headeapsule,(vs. nasus shorter); 3). hind femora scarcely reaching the end of abdomen,(vs. not reaching). Type locality:Liping Xian, GZ Prov.(26°2'N, 109°'E) Minor soldiers(holotype and paratypes), major soldiers(morphotype and para-morphotypes) and workers from type-series(I. No. E 7680) collected by Ping et al. May, 26, 1983 in tree(Castanopsis sp.) 6. Nasutitermes dolichorhinos Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species has a longer and thicker nasus, and it can be separated from N. grandinasus Tsai et Chen as follow:1). width of head1.00,(vs.1.00); 2). nasus longer the head capsule,(vs. shorter); 3). tip of nasus and vertex with a deep curve,(vs. a shallow curve); 4). length of hind tibia 0.89-1.25,(vs. 1.40-1.55). Type locality:Jinping Xian, GZ Prov.(26°6'N, 109°1'E) Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from typcseries(I. No. E 6724) collccted by Ping Sep. 18, 1982 in tree(Castanopsis sp.) 7. Nasutitermes falciformis Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species has a very thick hawk nasus which can be used for distingishing this species from all Other members of the genus. Type locality:Longsheng Gezu Zizhixian, Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(27°7'N, 110°E). Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type series(I. No. E 3328). collected by Ping June 12, 1964 in stump(Betula sp.) 8. Nasutitermes inclinasus Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new spacies has a tip of nasus downward which may be easily distinguished from all the species hitherto found in China. Type locality:Longsheng Gezu Zizhixian, Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(27°7'N, 110°E). Soldiers(I. No. ES315) collected by Ping June 12, 19649. Nasutitermes planiusculus Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species is similar to N. communis Tsai et Chen, but it differs as follows:1). postcrior margin of head straight,(vs. round); 2). width of head1.00,(vs.1.00); 3). nasus thick,(vs.nearly slender); 4). hing legs longer than the abdomen,(vs. scarcely reaching the end of abdomen). Type locality:Rongjiang Xian, GZ Prov.(25°9'N, 108°5'E) Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type series(I. No. E 6690) collected by Xu Chungui et al. June 11, 1982 in stump(Quercus acutissima) 10. Nasutitermes mirabilis Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species is similar to minor soldier of Havilanditermes orthonasus(Tsai et Chen), but it differs as follows:1). mandibles with a tip of apical portion.(vs. with a minute tooth below the tip of apical portion; 2). length of head with nasus 1.50-1.63,(vs. 1.36-1.47); 3). width of head 0.66-0.76,(vs. 0.58-0.61). Type locality:Liping Xian, GZ Prov.(26°2'N, 109°1'E). Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type-series(I. No. E 7681) collected by Ping et al. May 26, 1983 in tree(Castanopsis sp.) 11Ahmaditermes lipingensis Ping et Xu, sp. n. The soldier of this new species is compared with A. guizhouensis Li et Ping, A. sinuosus Tsai et Chen and A. sichuanensis Xia, Gao et Pan. From A. guizhouensis Li et Ping:1). nasus slender, conical,(vs. thicker, somewhat cylindfical); 2) nasus longer, more than 2/3 times of the length of head-capsule,(vs. shorter than 3/2 times); 3). nasus with a low basal hump,(vs. without). From A. sinuosus Tsai et Chen. 1). width of head 0.94-1.04, 0.77-0.85,(vs. 0.61-0.75). 2). head-capsule 0.93-1.03 times as long as the width of capsule,(vs. 1.15-1.23 times). From A. sichuanensis Xia, Gao et Pan 1). tip of nasus not uplifted(vs. slightlyu-uplifted), 2). nasus with a low basal hump(vs. without). Type locality:Liping Xian GZ Prov.(26°2'N, 109°1'E)Soldiers(holotype and paratypes) and workers from type-series(I. No. E 6686) collected by Xu Chungui et al. June 9, 1982 in stump(Qurcus sp.) All measurements are in millimeters. All the typc, specimens are. kept in the Guangdong Entomological Institute and a part of the paratype deposited separately in Guizhou Institute of Forestry.


