Fengdu county of sichuan province where is located at the upper revches of yangtze rirer is one of the main areas of producing Chinese Gallnuts in China Histrically, the average annual output of gallnuts was about 60 t. A preliminary investigation, by applying the method of typical sampling on its natural resources in this area, had been engaged from August, 1990. to April, 1991. The distribution of the three elements in the production of the Chinese gallnuts known as gallnut aphids, sumac trees and mosses in Fengdu had been investigated. And it reveals that there are about 2800 hm
2 of the forest areas being found as naturally gallnuts producing area, and 13000 hm
2 could be developed as an expanded area. The rich natural resources of three mosses species namely:
Plagiomnium maximoviczii(Lindb.)T. Kop.,
Plagiomuium maximoviczii(Lindb.)var.
emarginatum Chen, et Li et Zhang, and
Plagiomnium rostratum(Lindb.) T. Kop., as the most suitable winter hosts of horned gall aphids,
Schlechiendalia chinensis(Bell), had been extensively investigated. As it has been estimated, the potentiality of the gallnuts production is so high that a planning to build up a large scale producing base of the gallnuts in Fengdu county has been suggested.