This paper deals with the distribution and infestation of the branch borer
Rhytidodera bowringii White in mango orchards of Jingu. The research results show that the pests mainly infest the tree branches of Sangnian mango and Shiangya mango reaching 3 to 5 years old. And the rates of the pest carrying branches are 65.3% and 92.0% respectively. In another way, we divided the orchard into upper, middle and lower areas. In each area, we dissected all the sample branches including the living, the withered and the decayed. The results show that the pest carrying rates of the middle area are respectively 60%, 39% and 17% with the living, the withered and the decayed sample branches. With all the living sample branches from 3 areas of the orchard, the pest carrying rate appears as 56. 8%, that of the withered 34.0%, and that of the decayed 14.3%. Therefore, one of the effective control measures against this mango branch borer should be timely removing all the withered and decayed branches from the orchard, and to be treated with.