There are 8 subspecies of tigers(
Panthera tigris) in the world. The Tiger of Yunnan belongs to Indochinese tiger(
P. t. corbetti), but that of Northwestern Yunnan may be Bengal tiger(
P. t. tigris); that in Guangxi may belong to Indochinese tiger(Macdonald 1984). An exploration of Indochinese tiger in China was made by the author from 1984^ 1987,in Yunnan and Guangxi. Indochinese tiger in Yunnan distributs 21°10 z~28°N, 97°36 z~103°40 z E,includeing 9 districts,25 countries and 51 localities. The important distribution are in the South,Southwest and West of Yunnan, namely:districts of Xishuang banna, Simao,Lincang, Honghe, Nujiang, Baoshan Dehong, Diq-ing and Lijiang. Indochinese tiger of Guangxi distributs 24°307~25°20' N,105°~111°30 z E,includeing only 4 districts of Baise,Hechi,Guilin and Wuzhou. There are 89~127 Indochinese tigers in China, among which, There are about 84~120 in Yunnan and about 5~7 in Guangxi. 52~75 tigers are conserved in the 15 Nature reserves of Yunnan, which is 29.19%~33.33% of the total tiger number in Yunnan. Xishuang banna has 28~35 tigers(the greatest number in Yunnan). 3~5 tigers are conserved in 2 of the Nature reserves of Guangxi, occupying 60%^ 70% of the total tiger number in Guangxi altogether. The number of Indochinese tiger in China is reducing year by year due to forest destruction. Indochinese tigers will be stamped out in China within 10 years, if they are not to be protected better. In this paper, the author has also put forward 8 countermeasures to protect Indochinese tigers.