
The Biological Characteristics in Dovetree Davidia involucrata Propagation

  • 摘要: 珙桐种子繁殖和扦插繁殖的生物学特性研究,弄清了种子休眠的主要原因在于种胚形态后熟和生理后熟,探讨了种子休眠萌发机理.用人工低温冷冻或GA+6-BA处理,可使层积2年尚未萌发的种子70%左右在半月内迅速萌发出苗,缩短休眠期约1年.经不同处理的扦插试验,5%的插条可生根成苗.


    Abstract: The whole process of seed and cutting propagation of Davidia involucrata Baill was researched.The main cause of its seed dormancy was afterripening of seed-embryo and seed-physiology.The mechanism of seed dormancy and germination was discussed.Seeds of two-year sand-storage treatment could be germinated up to 70% of surviving rate by means of freezing or GA+6-BA in 15 dyas, which shortened one year time of its seed dormancy.In cutting, 5% rooting rate was the best one among various treatments.


