
Texture of the Four Typical Thick-Growing Woody Bamboos in Yunnan

  • 摘要: 以维管束密度和纤维比量的检测分析结果为依据,认定云南4种材用丛生竹(龙竹、甜龙竹、黄竹和油勒竹)的结构具较大差异;同一竹种沿竹秆径向和纵向的结构是不均匀的,且径向上的不均匀性远较纵向上的不均匀性为高,但竹材梢部的结构均匀性较其基部的为好.4种竹种的维管束密度与纤维比量的分布规律虽然具有一定的相似性,却没有绝对的正相关关系.上述结果为云南竹材的工业化开发利用提供了一定的基础性依据.


    Abstract: By means of measuring the vascular bundle density and fiber coverage and analyzing their distributions, it was recognized that the texture of the four typical thick-growing woody bamboos in Yunnan, Dendrocalamus giganteus, D. brandisii, D. membranaceus and Bambusa lapidea, was quite different from each other. The texture is in homogeneous along both radial and longitudinal directions within a stem. The inhomogeneity along radial direction is greater than that along the longitudinal direction, while the homogeneous degree at the root part of a stem is better than that at the top part. Meanwhile, although the vascular bundle density and fiber distribute in a similar way, there is no positive relevance between them. These results supplied the fundamental background for the industrial utilization of the bamboos in Yunnan.


