CT500 型木工平面刨床噪声振动测量及结果分析
The Survey and Outcome Analyses on the Noise and Vibration of Type CT500 Wood Surface Planer
摘要: 在木工机床运转情况及测量环境均满足国家标准的条件下,对CT500型木工平面刨床进行噪声和振动测量.比较在不同情况(整机、拆出刀片、封上刀槽、无皮带罩、去除皮带)下噪声的大小及结构振动噪声产生的主要来源.分析各部件对整机噪声的影响,从而提出改进设计的意见.Abstract: Under the conditions that the running circumstances and the survey surrounding of the wood surface planer meet the national standard, the noise and vibraction of Type CT500 wood surface planer are surveyed and influences of some parts to the noise of the whole machine are analysed, and some advancing design is suggested.