张毅宁, 李义龙, 杨富, 李品, 李克义. 云南松梢木蠹象生物学及防治研究[J]. 西南林业大学学报, 1999, 19(2): 118-121. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1999.02.010
引用本文: 张毅宁, 李义龙, 杨富, 李品, 李克义. 云南松梢木蠹象生物学及防治研究[J]. 西南林业大学学报, 1999, 19(2): 118-121. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1999.02.010
Zhang Yining, Li Yilong, Yang Fu, Li Pin, Li Keyi. A Study of Bionomics and Control on Pissodes sp.(Coleoptera,Curculionidae)[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 1999, 19(2): 118-121. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1999.02.010
Citation: Zhang Yining, Li Yilong, Yang Fu, Li Pin, Li Keyi. A Study of Bionomics and Control on Pissodes sp.(Coleoptera,Curculionidae)[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 1999, 19(2): 118-121. DOI: 10.11929/j.issn.2095-1914.1999.02.010


A Study of Bionomics and Control on Pissodes sp.(Coleoptera,Curculionidae)

  • 摘要: 云南松梢木蠹象(Pissodes sp.)是云南省新发现的危害云南松(Pinus yun-nanensis Franch)幼树的蛀干蛀梢害虫,在昆明地区仅分布于嵩明县大哨乡海拔2200~2600 m 10年生云南松林中,面积351 hm2,受害株率37-1%.该虫1年发生1代,以老熟或近老熟幼虫在受害枝干内越冬.3月下旬开始化蛹,5月上旬始有成虫羽化扬飞,在当年生枝梢上补充营养,并在2~3年生枝条上产卵,6~8月为产卵期.6月下旬幼虫开始孵化.发现该虫天敌茧蜂1种(Bracon sp.),寄生率为1-6%~33-0%.提出以清理虫害木为主结合化防(成虫补充营养期)的防治方法,清理最佳时期为4月中、下旬;1995~1997年开展了3年的防治,并取得较好的防治效果.


    Abstract: The damage caused by Pissodes sp was lately recorded in Kunming district,Yunnan Province.The larvae of the pest feed on 2~3 year old branches of yunnan pine(Pinus yunnanensis Franch).The altitude of pest distribution is between 2200~2600 m above sea level in Kunming district.It has one generation per year,and overwinters by old larvae in branches of the host.It begins to pupate in the last ten days of March.The adults begin to emerge in the 1st ten days of May,complement nutrition on newly growing branches of the host,and lay eggs on 2~3 year old branches from June to August.The larvae begin to hatch in the last ten days of June.The natural enemy of the pest found out is a species of Bracon(Bracon sp,Hymenoptera,Braconidae),and the parasited rates of pissodes.was 16% to 330%.The technics of control were tested from 1995 to 1997.The result showed that the best suitable control stage is in the 2nd to last ten days of April,and the effect of control is good.


