A Report of Flora Survey From Jinggu County
摘要: 在分析景谷县的有关植物研究基础后,记载了景谷县森林植被,国家珍稀濒危保护植物,统计了全县植物种类数量.在此基础上分析了主要经济植物资源,并讨论确定了景谷县森林植物区系敏感区的原则,根据其原则确定景谷县威远江流域、小黑江流域等7个地区为景谷县森林植物区系敏感区.Abstract: After current references of flora from Jinggu County are analyzed,forest vegetation,national rare and endangered protected species from Jinggu County are recorded based on the results of this survey,and main economic plants are analyzed.Meanwhile principles of sensitive flora areas are defined,and based on these principles,sensitive flora areas are decided.