The behavior and circadian rhythms of
Muntiacus reevesi in captivities were observed at Kunming Zoo from March to April,1998.By using scanning sampling method,12 days observations were carried and got 11834 data.The result showed activity time budget of
Muntiacus reevesi reduced in proper order as follow:dropping down the ground for rest,standing,feeding,movement,social behavior,other activities and breeding behavior.Among all the activity frequency,dropping down the ground for rest made up 51.55%,and breeding behavior only 0.9%.The time budget of movement of the fawns was obviously more than that of adults;The male's time using for movement and breeding behavior were evident more than those of female.The daily circadian rhythms had 2 peaks,the first one was between 7:00~8:00,while the second 17:00~20:00.After the first peak,the munrtjac's activity rise again in 9:00~10:00.
Muntiacus reevesi had more partiality for green-feed than refined-feed.In addition,the confusion on the relationship of females and calves was observed.