
An Initial Study on Bleaching Dried Flower Materials Growing in Yunnan

  • 摘要: 对云南省可做干燥花花材的33种植物花枝、果枝进行H2O2漂白工艺研究,并对不同类型花材所用漂液浓度及处理时间作了有益的探索,对大头续断、小头续断、益母草、鸢尾、曼陀罗、大蓟、悬铃木、华山松球果、香椿果枝、滇木荷球果等则建立了成熟的漂白工艺.还讨论了影响漂白效果的因素,提出了解决问题的方法.


    Abstract: A study has been made on the technology of bleaching of 33 fruit bearing shoots growing in Yunnan Province that can be used as dried flowers by using H2O2.And a valuable research has also been made about the different density of the bleaching liquids and the different lengths of bleaching time when dealing with different materials.A ripe and well-considered bleaching technology has been established for Dipsacus chinensis,D.japoniccus,Leomurus heterophyllus,Iris teetorum,Datura stramonium,Cirsisium sp. Platanus ovientalis,Pinus armandii cones,Toona sinensis fruit-bearing shoots and Schima noronhae cones,etc.The factors affecting bleaching effects are also discussed and solutions are put forward in this paper.


