
A Study on the Model of Theoretical Height-Diameter Curve of Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis

  • 摘要:H=1.3+aD/(b+D)为基础,将模型中引入优势木的树高,建立思茅松天然次生林标准树高曲线H=1.3+(a0+a1Hd)D/(b+D),该式能拓宽树高曲线的应用范围,受不同立地条件的影响小,能正确反映不同立地条件下树高随胸径的变化规律,应用方便,同时具有较好的生物学意义,即:胸径D1.3=0时,树高H=1.3.


    Abstract: Based on the classic model of H=1.3+aD/(b+D), the height of dominant trees was introduced into the formula and a new model of the theoretical height-diameter curve for natural secondary forests of Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis was established as: H=1.3+(a0+a1Hd)D/(b+D). Slightly affected by site condition variation, and applied more simply than the classic one, the new model may more objectively demonstrate the varying rule of stem height corresponding to the diameter at breast height(D.B.H) at different site conditions. Therefore, the application field of height-diameter curve has been extended by the new model. Additionally, the new model has a clearer biological significance, for when the D.B.H is 0, the height H will be 1.3.


