For the purpose of developing timber and oil forests of
Eucalyptus in Yunnan Province from Australia in 1995, seven
Eucalyptus smithii provenances were introduced to 5 experiment sites in Yunnan for an introduction and provenance test by using
E. globulus and
E. maideni as control.To define suitable E.smithii provenances in Yunnan, biomass, oil ratio and chemical composition of different provenances were tested and analyzed.In April, 1997 and March, 1998, E.smithii provenances were tested in Baoshan city and Lufeng respectively.The results indicated that E.smithii was better than
E. globulus and
E. maideni in oil ratio, average individual oil production, 1, 8-cineol content, etc. Among the 7 provenances, 4 with the codes of 18676, 15064, 18681 and 16916 were more suitable to develop timber Forests or both timber and oil forests in Yunnan.