
Application of 'ABT' to Pinus armandii Seedling

  • 摘要: 采用浓度为5,25,50,100mg/kg的3号ABT生根粉处理,进行华山松播种育苗试验.结果表明,用生根粉处理的华山松种子,可提高出苗率9.1%~14.3%,缩短育苗时间2~3d,苗木地径、苗高、侧根数、主根长和生物量等性状均高于对照.


    Abstract: The seedling test to testify the effect of ABT (a kind of composite plant-growth regulator) on seedling of Pinus armandii was carriedout.The test was condueted by soaking Pinus armandii seed with ABT 3 solutions of 5 mg/kg, 25 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, and with pure water solution as control.The results of the test indicated as follow.Soaking Pinus armandii seed with ABT 3 solution could increase the emergence percentage of seedling by 9.1%~14.3% and shorten the seedling raising time by 2~3 days.Compared with the control, the growth in subterranean stem, seedling height and biomass, the numbers of branch roots, and the length of top pot were increased remarkably.


