
A Study on Changes of Forest Landscape Patterns Based on GIS Tool

  • 摘要: 以森林资源调查的森林分布图作为主要信息源,以ARC/INFO作为空间信息处理工具,以浙江临安为例,采用平均斑块面积、形状指数、连接度、分数维、积聚系数5个评价指标分析1983~1994年森林景观格局的变化.结果表明:松林和阔叶林等天然林景观比例减小,种类趋于简单化,破碎化趋势增强;竹林和经济林等人工林景观比例增大,种类趋于复杂化,规模经营趋势增强.


    Abstract: With the help of GIS tool of ARC/INFO based on the information from forest distribution maps, five indices were put forward to analyze the spatial patterns of forest landscapes in Linan form 1983 to 1994.These indices included mean matrix area, contour index, connectivity, fractal dimension, and clustering index.Analyzing results showed that the area proportion of natural forest landscapes such as those hard wood forests and pine forests decreased gradually, components of forest landscape got simpler and forest landscapes became fragmented.While the area proportion of artificial forest landscapes such as those bamboo groves and economic forest increased steadily, components of forest landscape bacame complicated and forest management tended to be highly regulated on alarger scale.


