
Optimization of Condition for Rapid Propagation of Gladiola

  • 摘要: 唐菖蒲快速繁殖条件优化的研究表明:生长调节剂组合对唐菖蒲芽的萌动、分化及生根有较大的影响,MS+6BA3.0 mg/L最适宜休眠芽萌动;MS+6BA3.0 mg/L+NAA 2.0 mg/L对芽的分化、增殖效果好;生根效果最佳的组合为MS+NAA 2 mg/L+C 0.25%.光照及温度对芽的分化、增殖、球茎的生长都有影响.在光照时间为13 h/d,温度为26℃下,芽的分化、增殖及球茎的生长最好.


    Abstract: By means of in vitro culture, optimization of conditions for rapid propagation of Gladiola was studied and the results showed that:the optimal culture media are:MS+6BA3.0 mg/L for induction of dormant buds, MS+6BA3.0mg/L+NAA1.0 mg/L for differentiation of adventitious buds and successive transfer culture, MS+NAA2.0 mg/L+C 0.25% for successful propagation and differentiation of roots.The adaptable temperature for differentiation of adventitious bud and successive transfer culture is 25℃, and the adaptable illumination is 13 hours per day.


