The resource situation of bryophyte in Daweishan nature reserve that is located on north fringe of tropical area in Yunnan Province has been reported in this paper.47 families,114 genera and 217 species of moss,including the new record of 5 genera(3 of liverwort and 2 of moss) and 101 species(30 of liverwort and 71 of moss) in Yunnan,have been identified.In the way of the geodistributional feature of bryophyte in China,it possesses the regional feature of Yunnan-Guizhou region,meanwhile,it is more similar in the regional feature of Lingnan region and Qinghai-Tibet region.In Daweishan nature reserve the bryophyte is rich in species,is diverse in living types and community types,consequently,it is one of the distinctive features of rich natural resources and biodiversity of the nature.