The authors have treated cutting branches of
Manglietia aromatica by using silver nitrate,ABT rootage powder number 2 and number 3 then planting the treated branches in a greenhouse.The average temperature is 24℃ and the relative humidity is 93% in the greenhouse.The trial sample shows that the treatment cuttages have significant functions for rootage rate,root diameter,and the number of bourgeon root.After integrated analysis of the cuttages,the result is that ABT
3 of strength of 0.05 g/kg has the best treatment effect and then ABT
2 of strength of 0.05 g/kg has secondly treatment effect.When planting the treated branches for 100 days,the rootage rate of cuttages reaches to 89%.Both the photosynthesis rate of cuttages and the transpiration rate of cuttages are higher than contrast cuttages by physiological test.