
A Preliminary Study on Tree Introduction and Domestication of Ceratonia siliqua

  • 摘要: 角豆树在四川省攀枝花市引种驯化10年的初步结果表明:预处理种子的发芽率、成苗率均在80%以上,10年生林分平均树高、平均地径和平均冠幅分别为5.02m,10.1cm和4.97m×8.61m 。造林4-5年后树高生长量可达90cm,6-7年后进入试花期。角豆树在引种地仍保持耐火性、耐旱性、耐寒性和萌蘖再生4个重要的生物学特性。


    Abstract: This paper reported the ten-year-old results of preliminary study on tree introduction and domestication in Panzihua city,Sichuan province.Both seed germination percent and stocking percent of pretreatment seed were over 80%.Under conventional cultivation,the average tree height,base diameter and crown diameter of a ten-year-old plantation were 5.02 m,10.1 cm,and 49.7 m×8.61 m respectively.The annual growth in crement of tree height could reach 90 cm after 4-5 aplantation,it began first flowering and producing seed after 6-7 a plantation.This species still maintained four important biological features of fire-resistance,arid-tolerance,cold-endurance and easy sprouting.It had a greater value of ultilization in xerothermic river valley area.


