
A Study on Culture Technology of Tissue of Solanum muricatum

  • 摘要: 以人参果的幼嫩茎段和叶片作外植体,在MS基本培养基附加不同浓度6-BA+IAA,6-BA+NAA和KT+2,4D组成的固体培养基中进行培养。结果显示:MS+6-BA 0.07mg/L+IAA 0.03mg/L,MS+6-BA 0.70mg/L+IAA 0.03mg/L,MS+6-BA 0.70mg/L+IAA 0.05mg/L,MS+6-BA 1.00mg/L+IAA 0.05mg/L 4种培养基中的材料愈伤组织长势比较好,分化明显。经继代培养,丛生芽大量形成,丛生苗根系发达。其他培养基则停留在愈伤组织阶段或只长出极少数短的根。


    Abstract: The delicate stem cuttings of Solanum muricatum.were inoculated on MS base medium supplied with different concentrations of 6-BA and IAA.The results showed that,the differentiation of callus on the MS+6-BA 0.07mg/L+IAA 0.03 mg/L,MS+6-BA 0.70 mg/L+IAA 0.03 mg/L,MS+6-BA 0.70 mg/L+IAA 0.05 mg/L,MS+6-BA 1.00 mg/L+IAA 0.05 mg/L were obvious.By continuing culture,the number of roots increased and grew well.The other stem cuttings were difficult to induced to callus or few roots were induced.


