A Review on Introduction and Cultivation and Improvement Strategy of Passiflora Fruit in China
摘要: 通过回顾国内尤其是云南省西番莲引种及栽培情况,提出改良思路,即通过引种、杂交育种及无性系育种等,培育出适宜本地生长的西番莲品种;做好良种的保存和推广工作;加强西番莲生殖系统的研究和分子方法的应用,注重综合开发。Abstract: Introduction and cultivation of Passiflora fruit in China particularly in Yunnan Province was reviewed in this paper and the improvement strategy of Passiflora fruit was put forward.The germplasm resource and cultivar conservation of Passiflora fruit should be strengthened;New cultivars that adapt to the local climate should be cultivated through introduction and sexual hybridation.The study on reproductive system and molecular breeding should be enhanced.