
Chromosome of Two Species of Short-winged Grasshoppers in Family of Catantopidae

  • 摘要: 斑腿蝗科两种短翅蝗虫,昆明拟凹背蝗和绿胫舟形蝗的染色体数目相同,均为2n(♂)=23,全部是端部着丝点染色体,性别决定机制XO型,性染色体X属于大型染色体,相对长度位居第一.研究结果表明:昆明拟凹背蝗的染色体C带共28条,除着丝粒带之外,其余5条为端带,分别出现于L2,M5,M7,M8和S11.两种短翅蝗虫的减数分裂染色体交叉频率以1位点和2位点的交叉居多。


    Abstract: The chromosome karyotypes of two different grasshopper species, i.e., Pseudoptygonotus kunmingensis and Lemba vibridutibia, belonging to Catantopidae, were reported.It was showed that the karyotypes of these two species were both telocentric chromosomes with 2n(♂)=23. The sexes of these two grasshopper species were all determined by XO type, and the sex-chromosome belonged to large chromosome, which took the first place in all chromosomes according to its relative length.It was showed by the study that the Pseudoptygonotus kunmingensis had 28 C-bands, including 5 terminal C-bands lying on loci L2 , M5, M7, M8 and S11.The cross frequencies of chromesomes of these two short-winged grasshopper species mainly appeared on locus 1 and locus 2 during the meiosome process.


