The microstructures of 4 types of
Cymbidium goeringii roots, i.e., roots of seedlings produced from sterilized tissue culture, roots of seedlings produced from tissue culture inoculated with mycorrizal fungi, young nutritive roots and mature roots of the wild seedlings were observed separately by paraffinmethod with microscope.It was indicated by the observation that there were large quantity of pelotons in the cortex cells of both young nutritive roots andmature roots of either seedlings produced from inoculated tissue culture with mycorrizal fungi or wild seedlings of
Cymbidium goeringii, showing typical structure of mycorrhiza, while there were no hyphae and pelotons observed in the cortex cells of roots out of seedlings produced from sterilized tissue culture.It was observed that the hyphae intruded into the roots of
Cymbidium goeringii seedlings across the passage cells and entered the cortex cells.It was showed that the mycorrhiza of
Cymbidium goeringii was typical orchidaceous mycoorhiza.