
Influence of Site Preparation Models on Growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation Oriented for Large-diameter Timber Production

  • 摘要: 对不同整地方式培育杉木大径材的生长过程研究表明:整地方式对3种立地6年生杉木幼林的生长效应,呈现全垦> 带垦> 穴垦的趋势,但这种作用效应在不同立地条件上是有差别的,整地对杉木幼林地土壤条件的改善作用在低地位指数级较为明显,在立地条件较好的林地(18以上指数级)则差别不显著。杉木生长过程分析表明:全面整地、带状整地等高规格整地方式最终并不能改变立地质量,18年生以后整地效应逐渐消失,对杉木林分的终期生长量不会产生显著的影响。


    Abstract: The experiment was carried out to realize the effect of different site preparation modes on the growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata.The results indicated that site preparation modes affected the growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata at the age of six as whole reclamation >band reclamation > hole reclamation, but the effects of those are different in different sites which are significant to improve characters of forest soil with low site index and insignificant to improve that of high site index(>18).The analysis of growth process indicated that site preparation modes such as whole reclamation and band reclamation can' t change site quality, the effects of site preparation would gradually reduce and not affect the total growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata significantly.


