Adaptability of Introduced Hypericum patulum in Tianshui Prefecture, Gansu Province
摘要: 对天水引种的金丝梅进行野外调查、引种试验与科学分析,掌握了其在天水的生长规律及对自然条件的适应性,通过评价其观赏价值,认为金丝梅是适合我国西北北亚热带、暖温带、中温带,湿润、半湿润、半干旱区生长的良好的观赏树种。Abstract: The growth rhythm of introduced Hypericum patulum and its adaptability to the natural conditions in Tianshui Prefecture, Gansu Province were understood by on the spot investigation and observation of the introduction experiment plots.It was believed that Hypericum patulum was a potential ornamental shrub species that would be suitable to the humid, half-humid and semi-arid regions in the subtropical, warm temperate and temperate zones in northwest China