
Inter-specific Association of Species in the Arbor Layer in Cyclobalanopsis elevatiocostata Natural Forest

  • 摘要: 根据2×2联列表,运用方差分析、联结系数AC,x2统计量度量,计算宁德市支提山8块突脉青冈天然林样地的28个主要树种的总体联结关系、种间联结系数和x2值,并对各种群的联结性进行模糊聚类.结果表明:突脉青冈天然林多物种总体联结性为不显著的正相关,AC值计算出正联结种对有152对,负联结170对;x2统计量检验结果未呈现显著的正联结,12对呈现极显著的负联结,93对呈现显著的负联结。


    Abstract: The overall association of 28 dominant species in the arbor layer of Cyclobalanopsis elevatiocostata natural forest located in Mount Zhitishan, Ningde Municipality, was analyzed by applying a series of techniques including variance analysis, x2-test, association coefficient calculated based on a 2×2 contingency table.And a fuzzy clustering was done to determine the overall association of all species, and the association of each species-pair.It was showed by the results that the overall association of all species was not significantly positive in the natural forest.By AC values analyzed, 152 species-pairs were positively associated and 170 species-pairs were negatively associated. By x2-test, 12 species-pairs appeared to be significantly negative association at ρ=0.01, and 93 species-pairs was negative association at ρ=0.05.


