
Biology of Pachyneuron aphidis-the Hyperparasitoid of Myzus persicae

  • 摘要: 蚜虫宽缘金小蜂在温度25±1℃、相对湿度70%~80%的条件下,完成1个世代需10~12d.雌雄性比为1.9:1.0.成蜂羽化的当天即可交尾产卵,雄蜂可多次交尾,雌蜂只交尾1次.未交尾的雌蜂可进行产雄孤雌生殖.雌蜂产卵量为162~335粒,平均223.7粒,其产卵量随雌蜂寿命的延长而增加.成蜂取食寄主体液的寿命可达24d.在烟田重寄生率最高达37.86%,其种群数量的高峰期仅晚烟蚜茧蜂5d,是制约烟蚜茧蜂种群数量的重要因素。


    Abstract: It was observed that it took 10 to 12 days for Pachyneuron aphidis to complete its life circle under the conditions of 25 ±1℃ in temperature and 70%~80%of RH.The sex ratio was 1.9 ♀:1.0 ♂.The female adults of Pachyneuron aphidis mated and oviposited within 24 hours after emergence.The male adults were capable of mating for several times, whereas the female adults could mate only once.The unmated females could only produce male progeny by parthenogenesis.Each female adult oviposited 162 to 335 eggs, and the average amount was 223.7.The amount of oviposition would increase along with the lengthening of females' lifespan.The duration of the female adults of Pachyneuron aphidis to parasite on the Myzus persicae could last for 24 days and the highest hyperparasitic rate could reach 37.86% in the tobacco field.The largest population of Pachyneuron aphidis occurred only 5 days behind that of Aphidius gifuensis and it was believed that Pachyneuron aphidis was an important factor to limit the population of Myzus persicae.


