
Study on Strobilomyia lijiangensisⅠ. Distribution,Damage, Morphological and Biological Characteristics

  • 摘要: 对丽江球果花蝇的形态特征、生活史及生物学习性进行了记述,并对其分布及危害状况进行了调查.该虫在丽江市及迪庆州1年发生1代,以蛹在枯枝落叶层或土中越冬;成虫于4月中、下旬开始羽化,5月上旬产卵,5月中旬开始孵化;经30 d左右的危害,末龄幼虫于6月中旬落地化蛹;该虫以幼虫取食喜马拉雅落叶松幼嫩种鳞及种子,球果被害率为22.65%~78.70%.


    Abstract: The morphological features,life history and biological characteristics of Strobilomyia lijiangensis were recorded,the distribution and the damage status of the pest were investigated.It was found out that Strobilomyia lijiangensis occurs one generation annually in Lijiang and Diqing districts and the pupae overwintered in the forest litter of soil.The emergence period of the adults was in the mid and late April,the adults began to oviposit in early May and the eggs started to hatch in mid May.The last instar larvae began to pupate in the soil in mid June after having damaged for about 30 days.The larvae fed on tender cones of Larix potaninii var.macrocarpa and the damage rate was from 22.65% to 78.70%.


