Application of Clean Development Mechanism to Enhancement of Cyclic Economy in Yunnan Province
摘要: 结合云南大力发展循环经济的战略目标,指出利用清洁发展机制可有效促进云南循环经济的发展,从项目规模和结构以及潜在领域等方面分析云南CDM项目的实施现状及前景,结合当前CDM项目实施过程中出现的问题,指出以清洁发展机制促循环经济发展的制约因素,并提出相关的建议.Abstract: In accordance with strategic objective of developing the cyclic economy vigorously in Yunnan Province,it was pointed that application to clean development mechanism(CDM) could effectively enhance the development of cyclic economy in Yunnan.The implementation situation and prospect of CDM projects in Yunnan Province were analyzed in terms of the scale,structure and potential domains of the projects.Towards the problems arising from CDM project implementation,some factors restricting the development of cyclic economy were pointed out and corresponding recommendations were proposed.