
Empirical Research on Development of Rural Tourism Cyclic Economy——A Case Study of Tuanjie Township of Xishan District,Kunming

  • 摘要: 乡村旅游经济系统与自然生态系统水乳交融,具有发展循环经济的天然条件.对昆明市西山区团结镇的实证研究表明:乡村旅游循环经济的模式主要有农家乐型、乡村休闲园型、观光农园型、采摘果园型、产品加工型、景区依托型、综合型等.


    Abstract: There is close relationship between rural tourism economic system and the natural ecological system,and there are natural conditions for the rural area to develop cyclic economy.It was showed by the empirical research on Tuanjie Township of Xishan District,Kunming Municipality that the cyclic economy models of rural tourism might be happy farmers' family garden model,rural recreational model,sight seeing garden model,fruit-picking orchard model,agricultural produce processing model,landscape relying recreation model and comprehensive model,etc.


