
Proposal for Fujian-Taiwan Experimental Eco-economy Region Co-invested by Both Sides of Taiwan Strait

  • 摘要: 提出海峡两岸合作建设闽台生态经济实验区的设想.福建和台湾两地的经济都面临被边缘化的风险,迄今无合适对策.但福建生态环境较好,有可能在生态经济建设中走在全国前列,两岸生态经济的理念日益深入人心,福建和台湾地理特征相近,都存在生态压力,双方合作有可行性.


    Abstract: This paper puts forward the proposal to set up Fujian-Taiwan experimental eco-economy region co-constructed by both sides of Taiwan Strait.Nowadays both Fujian Province and Taiwan region are to be economically margined,but no appropriate countermeasure has been adopted to offset it.Since the ecological environment in Fujian is better than that of most other provinces,Fujian may well get ahead of other regions in the construction of ecological economy.The new concept of eco-economy has been rooted deeply among the people across the strait,and the geographical characteristics of Fujian are very similar with those of Taiwan with ecological pressure,so it is feasible for them to conceive the possibility of co-constructing the experimental region.


