A Critique on Fundamental Issues and Strategies of Ecotourism in Taiwan by Ecological planning and Environmental Ethics
摘要: 采用文献回顾分析法与系统归纳分析法,从生态规划和环境伦理的观点出发,检视台湾发展生态旅游的实际现象与环境冲击,探讨其未来持续推动生态旅游发展是否应及早建立应变与管理的适当机制.Abstract: The present situation of ecotourism in Taiwan and the impact of ecotourism development on local environment were discussed by means of literature reviewing and systematic induction and analysis method starting from perspectives of ecological planning and environmental ethics,as well as risk-management.It was pointed out that the rational response and management mechanism should be established in advance so as to promote sustainable development of ecotourism in Taiwan.