
A Study on Policy of Taiwan Stream Enclosing and Fish Protection Area Management

  • 摘要: 通过问卷调查了解相关人员对现行封溪护渔的看法,包括在经营管理、开放制度、相关法规与执行上的需求与意见;探讨封溪护渔措施的内涵,以及河段开放使用之潜在效益;提出有关封溪护渔河段开放与管理之建议.


    Abstract: A questionnaire study was conducted to understand the viewpoints of fishermen,fishing administrative staff members and other relevant people on development and management of fishery resources,opening regime,establishment and implementation of fishery policy and regulations.The connotation of enclosing stream measures was discussed,the potential benefits from stream opening for fishing were analyzed,recommendations related to stream enclosing for fish protection,opening for fishing and management were put forward.


