On the analysis of governance situation of the soil erosion in the upstream region of Yuanjiang basin and the trend in the changes of the hydrological elements in the Yuanjiang hydrological station,such as pre-cipitation,runoff,silt and so on. From the point of hydrology,discussiong the changes of hydrological features that before and after the basin governance. The results show that: After govemancing,the run-off factor have reduced by 2.9%,which have reduced by 6.6% than the average for many years,the basin produces a certain amount of the effect of the reduction in water;After govemancing,the average years of soil erosion have reduced by 28.1%, the largest annual sediment discharge have reduced by 47.3%;Particularly,in recent years,the amount of soil erosion have reduced to the lowest in history,The reduction in the sand of the basin have a significant effect.