
Biodiversity Status in Xinping Section of Ailao Mountains and Conservation Strategy

  • 摘要: 哀牢山新平段辖7个乡镇,属哀牢山国家级新平段和哀牢山县级自然保护区,总面积199 900 hm2,区内最高海拔3 165.9 m,最低海拔422 m.重点探讨区域社会经济发展引起生境变化与生物多样性的关系,提出区域内保护生物多样性的对策与措施.


    Abstract: There are seven townships within the area of Xinping section of Ailao Mountains,which belongs to part of the National Nature Reserve of Ailao Mountains and simultaneously belongs to the county level nature reserve. The total area of this part is 199 900 hm2,the highest elevation in this nature reserve is 3 165.9 m,and the lowest is 422 m. The relationship between the biodiversity and the habitat change induced by socioeconomic development was studied,and the countermeasures to conserve the biodiversity in the nature reserve were proposed.


