
Comparative Planting Experiment with Alnus ferdinandi-coburgii and Sabina chinensis

  • 摘要: 造林对比试验表明,川滇桤木和圆柏同等条件下造林,前者树高、基径、冠幅的平均年生长量,分别是圆柏的3.9,2.9,6.7倍.川滇桤木在不同立地造林,其适应性和抗逆能力均较强, 且具有易栽、好管、成林快、绿化效果显著等特点,值得在玉溪市适宜造林区大量推广.


    Abstract: The results of planting experiment with two tree species Alnus ferdinandi-coburgii and Sabina chinensis under the same site and cultivation conditions showed that the average annual growth of the sapling height,basal diameter and crown diameter of Alnus ferdinandi-coburgii was 3.9,2.9 and 6.7 times higher than that of Sabina chinensis respectively. It was also showed by the experiment that Alnus ferdinandi-coburgii had better adaptability to varied site conditions and stronger resistance to adverse conditions than Sabina chinensis. It was recommended that Alnus ferdinandi-coburgii be planted in a larger scale in Yuxi Municipality for its characteristics of quick growth speed,fast greening effect,easy to be grown and simple to be tended after being planted.


