
Bamboo Cultivation Status and Development Countermeasures in Laochang Township of Xinping County

  • 摘要: 分析了新平县老厂乡竹子发展现状、发展优势及存在问题,提出扩大竹资源的培植、加强技术培训与政策扶持,根据市场需求提高竹产品科技含量、解决产品开发途径等建议与对策.


    Abstract: The bamboo cultivation situation, development advantages and problems existing in Laochang Township,Xinping County were analyzed. The strategic recommendation and countermeasures were put forward to promote bamboo resource propagation,strengthen technical training and policy support,to promote the scientific quality in bamboo products and to explore the development approaches for new bamboo products according to market demand.


