
Comparative Study on Methods of Estimating Forest Land Area

  • 摘要: 林地面积数量是对森林火灾案件、违法征占用林地案件、改变林地用途案件等涉林案件定性,以及对行为人处罚的重要依据。根据实际办案经验,结合调查访问、模拟现场实验等方法,分析几种常用林地面积测算方法的适用条件,比较不同方法测算结果的差异性及测算效率,提出应根据不同案情及案件现场的具体情况,考虑测量精度、工作效率等因素,确定林地面积测算方法,并经司法机关认可取得合法性。


    Abstract: Forestland area is an important basis for determining cases involving forest fires, illegal occupation of forestland, change of forestland use and the punishment of perpetrators. Application conditions of several commonlyused methods calculating forest area were analyzed with methods of the investigation and interviewand simulating crime scene based on the practical experience. Moreover, differentiation between the results computed by different methods and computational efficiency of different methods were compared. Finally, the methods calculating forestland area were determined based on particular situation of different cases′ crime scene, measurement accuracy and work efficiency and admitted by judiciary authorities.


