霍山石斛拟原球茎生长及植株再生过程中 微观结构与元素的变化

Changes in Microstructure and Elements of Protocorm Like Bodies from Dendrobium huoshanense During the Development and Plantlet Regeneration

  • 摘要: 采用SEM/EDS技术,研究霍山石斛拟原球茎生长及植株再生过程中结构和元素的变化,分析其发育过程及药效成分。结果表明:适当的组培条件会使外植体表层具有分生能力的细胞不断分裂和增殖形成拟原球茎和次拟原球茎。其中拟原球茎分化出芽和根,完成幼苗的形态发育。30d后幼苗的根无明显的根毛和根被组织;茎表皮多纵向皱褶,横切面边缘具波状棱角,细胞内含物黏液状,外韧有限维管束散生;等面叶,四列型气孔只分布于下表皮,保卫细胞肾形。拟原球茎形成期,含有较多的Na、S、K、Al、Si、Fe,分化期P、Cl、Mn、Ca增多,幼苗所含K、Ca增幅较大,其他元素减少或变化不明显。


    Abstract: In order to get better understanding of the growth and officinal components during the development of protocorm like bodies (PLBs) from Dendrobium huoshanense and plantlet regeneration,changes in microstructure and microarea elements were analyzed by means of SEM and EDS. Cells which have the ability to divide from the surface of explants formed embryogenic callus in tissue culture when conditions were suitable. Embryogenic cells grew into PLBs and secondary PLBs after constant division. PLBs showed bipolarity gradually and produced buds and roots to form complete plants. After 30 days, root hair or velamina were not found in roots. Stems were characterized by several features such as surface longitudinal depressions, round cross sections with wavy edges, scattered external ductile finite vascular bundle and mucinous cells contents. Quadrilateral stomata only distributed in the lower epidermis of isobilateral leaves and the guard cells were like kidneys. And more Na, S, K, Al, Si and Fe were in PLBs, then the contents of P, Cl, Mn and Ca increased in differentiated PLBs, and the contents of Na, S, K increased in the complete plants while other elements were less or not changed significantly.


