
The Transferability Analysis of Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis EST-SSR Markers to Several Pine Species

  • 摘要: 为验证思茅松EST-SSR标记在松属植物中的通用性,利用已获得的18对EST-SSR标记对其近缘种进行扩增。结果表明:思茅松EST-SSR标记对马尾松、高山松、油松和云南松的通用率为88.89%,多态性百分比率分别为81.25%、81.25%、75.00%和93.75%。因此,基于思茅松转录组序列SSR标记开发是可行的,思茅松EST-SSR标记对近缘种具有较高的通用性和多态性,这些引物可用于分析思茅松及其近缘种间的遗传关系。


    Abstract: The transferability of 18 Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis EST-SSR markers to related species was studied. The transferability percentages of selected primers to P.massoniana, P.densata, P.tabuliformis and P.yunnanensis were 88.89%. The percentage of polymorphism of 18 EST-SSR markers to P.massoniana, P.densata, P.tabuliformis and P.yunnanensis were 81.25%, 81.25%, 75.00% and 93.75%, respectively. These results indicated that it was feasible to develop SSR markers from P.kesiya var. langbianensis transcriptome sequences. P.kesiya var. langbianensis EST-SSR markers was highly transferable and polymorphic to its related species. These markers can be used to analyze the genetic relationship between the P.kesiya var. langbianensis and its related species.


