Research the variation characteristics of agarwood formation rate and ethanol extract content of agarwood samples cultivated in different places. The whole-tree agarwood inducing technique was used for six-year-old agarwood tree samples cultivated in Huazhou city and Vietnam. Fluorenscence spectral imaging technique was used to measure the agarwood formation rate. The ethanol extract content has been determined according to ethanol extract methods of Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010) standard. The findings indicated that the maximum value of agarwood formation rate of Huazhou samples was 1.85%, the minimum value was 0.31%, and the variation coefficient was 40.95%. The maximum value of agarwood formation rate of Vietnam samples was 5.33%, the minimum value was 0.45%, and the variation coefficient was 46.92%. The maximum value of agarwood ethanol extract content of Huazhou samples was 26.67%, the minimum value was 6.13%, and the variation coefficient was 48.63%. The maximum value of ethanol extract content of Vietnam samples was 52.54%, the minimum value was 9.41%, and the variation coefficient was 38.55%. There have a high significant difference of agarwood formation rate between Huazhou samples and Vietnam samples, and the
P-value < 0.01. There have a significant difference of agarwood oil content, and the
P-value < 0.05. There were obvious individual differences in the agarwood formation rate and ethanol extract content. Agarwood formation rate of Vietnam samples were highly significant exceed Huazhou samples. Agarwood ethanol extract content of Vietnam samples were significant exceed Huazhou samples.