We employed time-series Landsat TM/ETM +/OLI classification data during 1988-2013 in Changting County, and the time-series variation features of the forest harvest land to extract forest harvest information and evaluate the accuracy of monitoring results. The results showed that the overall accuracy was above 90% for each temporal classification image, and the kappa coefficients were close to or above 0.8 for most of the time-series images, except for the datas on November 2, 1994 and December 31, 2001. Although the harvested land, bare land and fallowed farm land have similar spectral features, we can further distinguish them according to the special surface coverage variation characteristics of forest harvested land. The most densely harvested land distributed in the southwest of Changting County, next were the southeast and the northeast. The forest harvest acreage reached about 500-1 000 hectares during 1988-2001, it presented an increasing trend after 2003 along with the increasing of forest acreage, and the forest harvesting area was more than 2 800 hectares in 2010. Obviously, there is a direct relationship between the increasing acreage of the harvested area and the significant improvement of forest coverage in the central area.