The surface of bamboo outer skin, bamboo pulp and bamboo inner skin were treated by cold oxygen plasma. The contact angle of phenolic resin (PF) on the bamboo surface was measured by liquid drop method before and after plasma treatment. The surface morphology was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to analyze the chemical composition of bamboo surface treated by plasma. The mechanism of improving the wettability of bamboo surface by plasma treatment was explored. The results showed that the wettability of bamboo pulp was the best, bamboo inner skin and bamboo outer skin were worse, and the contact angle decreased by 43.59%, 48.32% and 61.15% respectively after oxygen plasma treatment. Oxygen plasma treatment will etch the surface of bamboo, improve its surface area, significantly improve its surface wettability. Oxygen cold plasma treatment of bamboo surface could introduces a large number of free radicals, generated O-H, C=O and C-O oxygen containing polar functional groups, so that the surface wettability was improved. Oxygen cold plasma treatment can effectively improve the wettability of bamboo surface for bamboo coating, dipping and other late processing to provide effective means of modification.