
Effects of Sink-source Manipulation on Carbohydrate Content and Enzyme Activity of Camellia oleifera Leaves

  • 摘要: 以5年生油茶为试材,通过调控叶果比,分析库源调节改变对叶片可溶性糖和淀粉含量及其酶活性的影响。结果表明:无果处理(T1),叶片可溶性糖和淀粉含量显著增加,但其代谢相关的酶活性显著低于其他各处理;库相同的条件下,留叶数增加,可溶性糖和淀粉含量有所升高;对于不同叶果比处理,叶片可溶性糖和淀粉含量与留叶数目呈正相关关系。蔗糖合成酶、蔗糖磷酸合成酶呈单峰曲线类型,分别在4叶1果枝(T3)和5叶1果枝(T4)处理中达到最大值,增源扩库处理后,转化酶和淀粉磷酸化酶逐渐增加。因此,库源关系改变可显著影响油茶叶片碳水化合物含量及其酶活性,并更有利于提高果实单果质量和出籽率。


    Abstract: By means of changing leaf-fruit ratio, the effects of sink-source manipulation on soluble sugar, starch content and enzyme activities with 5-year-old Camellia oleifera were studied. The results showed that a significant increase in soluble sugar and starch content was found in no fruit group (T1), but its related enzymes activities was significantly lower than those in other groups. The soluble sugar and starch content increased slightly with the improvement of remained leaf number and showed a positive correlation. Activities of sucrose synthase(SS), sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS) had a single-peak curve and reached a maximum at T3, T4 group respectively. Meanwhile, the invertase and starch phosphorylase increased gradually with the increasing of source and sink. The research showed that the carbohydrate content and its enzyme activities in C.oleifera leaves was affected remarkably when the sink-source relationship was changed. Whereas, the leaf-fruit ratio that could improve the single fruit weight, seed-producing percentage and fruit yield needed to be further studied.


