Taking 2000, 2008, 2015 remote sensing image data of Haikou City as the research object, the image was interpreted and the landscape type data was obtained. The gradient change of landscape pattern in the urban-rural ecotone of Haikou was analyzed by ArcGIS software and the gravity model. Result showed that the main types of landscape of HaiKou′s rural-urban fringe were agricultural land and forest land from 2000 to 2015. Agricultule land was the landscape matrix of urban-rural fringe of 2000′ Haikou City. From 2008 to 2015, the landscape matrix of Haikou City′s urban-rural fringe was forest land. With the exception of lineament push, each affected city landscape radiation decreased, the degree of diversity of the landscape reduced, the landscape level gathering and landscape′s naturally connectivity rose, fragmentation decreased, landscape shape became complicated, landscape stability increased.