
Excoecaria yuanjiangensis, A New Species of Euphorbiaceae

  • 摘要: 描述了采自云南省元江县的大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)海漆属(Excoecaria)新种——元江海漆(E.yuanjiangensis)。新种形态上接近云南土沉香(E.acerifolia),不同点在于新种叶常绿、近对生、薄革质,叶柄较长,托叶阔三角形;花序粗且长,花着生密集,苞片顶端急尖,腺体位于腹面基部;花药肾形;果棱显著凸起。


    Abstract: A new species of the genus Excoecaria (Euphorbiaceae), E.yuanjiangensis is described from Yuanjiang County, Yunnan Province. It is related to E.acerifolia, differing in leaves evergreen, nearly opposite, subleathery, petioles longer, stipules broadly triangle; inflorescences sturdy and long, flowers densely aggregated, bracts apex acute, glands on the base ventral surface, anthers reniform; fruit ribs obviously elevated.


