刘鹏, 张紫霞, 杨波, 等. 基于信息熵与层次分析法的石漠化形成驱动因素分析[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2019, 39(5): 100–109 . DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.201812035
引用本文: 刘鹏, 张紫霞, 杨波, 等. 基于信息熵与层次分析法的石漠化形成驱动因素分析[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2019, 39(5): 100–109 . DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.201812035
Peng Liu, Zixia Zhang, Bo Yang, Yan Wang, Yungen Liu, Xiangwang Li, Yefei Zhang. Analysis of Driving Factors of Rock Desertification Formation Based on Information Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 2019, 39(5): 100-109. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.201812035
Citation: Peng Liu, Zixia Zhang, Bo Yang, Yan Wang, Yungen Liu, Xiangwang Li, Yefei Zhang. Analysis of Driving Factors of Rock Desertification Formation Based on Information Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 2019, 39(5): 100-109. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.201812035


Analysis of Driving Factors of Rock Desertification Formation Based on Information Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process

  • 摘要: 以喀斯特石漠化分布较多的地区云南县域尺度石漠化分布为研究对象,探讨影响土地石漠化形成与发展的主导因子,采用信息熵和层次分析相结合的方式对各驱动因子进行定量化分析。结果表明:石漠化发生发展的驱动因素重要性排序为人口数量(0.278)>农业生产(0.223)>工业活动(0.187)>经济因素(0.123)>气候因素(0.080)>土壤因素(0.044)>地形地貌(0.043)>植被因素(0.023);人口自然增长率、土地利用方式、采矿挖煤、地区生产总值、人口密度和陡坡耕作是石漠化形成的核心驱动因素;云南省中、高山地区是石漠化最为集中的区域,石漠化土地面积达280.3万hm2,占全省石漠化土地面积的97.3%;不同土地利用类型中的林地及耕地类型下石漠化面积分布最广,为184.6万hm2,占石漠化总面积的64.1%。从土地石漠化的成因来看,过度樵采和毁林(草)开荒造成的石漠化面积最多,程度也最严重。


    Abstract: The distribution of rocky desertification in Yunnan County with a large distribution of karst rocky desertification was the research object.To explore the dominant factors affecting the formation and development of rocky desertification, and use the combination of information entropy and analytic hierarchy to quantitatively analyze the driving factors. Results show that the order of importance of driving factors for rocky desertification is as population (0.278) > agricultural production (0.223) > industrial activity (0.187) > economic factor (0.123) > climate factor (0.080) > soil factor (0.044) > topography and landform (0.043) > vegetation factor (0.023). Natural population growth rates, land use patterns, mining for coal, gross regional product, population density and steep slope tillage are the core drivers of rocky desertification. The middle and high mountain areas of Yunnan Province are the areas with the highest concentration of rocky desertification. The area of rocky desertification reaches 2.80 million hm2, accounting for 97.3% of the whole province's rocky desertification area. Among different land use types, the area of rocky desertification is most widely distributed under the types of woodland and arable land, which is 1.85 million hm2, accounting for 64.1% of the total area of rocky desertification. From the causes of land rocky desertification, excessive woodcutting and deforestation (grass) caused the most rocky desertification area, the most serious degree.


